Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Some bloggers have a good stream of followers, buat seem to have very few. I was just wondering whether the followers really just follow in order to be followed or they follow because they like the blog they are following.

According to blogging tips, we should follow people and they would follow us back. I have yet to abide that.

I find that we have to blogwalking robustly. I have not been able to do that. One of the main reasons being I spend very little time here because of other commitments.

Perhaps when I have more time, I too will follow many other bloggers. Hopefully then, they also would follow me back ..hehe.


Syigim said...

for me if someone 'follows' me, i will 'follow' them back :) unless betul2 blog xbest mcm politik kutuk2 ;)

so far i've never 'followed' a blog just so they follow me back. but i agree there's a lot of benefit - u spread ur blog name, gain traffic & friends too! :)

pak long said...

kita tak paham baca omputih....yg paham flower jer...

Anonymous said...

Hehehe ... my dear, dats the mechanics of blogging ... but U dont hv to abide so faithfully! Just follow those U want to folllow, even if they dont follow U back, dats quite alright.

Zizaq said...

Salam Syigim.
Visited ur blog,but couldnt leave comment.

Zizaq said...

Salam pak long & Ddrfauziah. Hv also visited ur blogs & left my comments.

Sha said...

ikut rasa hati, saya nie mmg suka menjelajah blog org.

timakasih singgah.

BID said...

:) Bid tak kisah sangat .. dah ada kekawan sekarang pun Bid dah bersyukur .. kalau bertambah lg bagus .. hehe.